Monday, April 27, 2009

Acrylics that remind of India

So the lazy painter is back to update with some old work that feels new!

Spring is here and I have been daydreaming about my past vacations in India and could not resist posting these two very old acrylics that I had painted almost 5 years ago after a visit to Rajasthan

They depict a woman in a rural setting and also highlight the colors worn in that region. Being a desert area the people tend to prefer deep bright colors in clothing to add a bit of color to their lives in an otherwise barren landscape

It is this region that is also famous for its vegetable dyes and block printing and tie dyeing fabrics in bright colors. The tie-dyeing process has a specific name called 'Bandhini"

Hope you enjoy this post, please feel free to leave comments

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change has come... And how !

I am so inspired by the presidential inauguration and the great mood that I decided to write on the blog and share some of the great spirit of freedom and freshness that I felt

Since a change has finally come... I decided to share some of my pencil sketches that show landscapes that try to display a sense of openness and freedom, a feeling of natural grandeur and fresh air.

I use some of these sketches as projects for my art students and get great enthusiasm from them.

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